I posted alot of pics on Facebook today. We left after the bar closed last night. There were too many people. Here are some favs from the first time walk around.
by Dain Oh
Dain Oh (detail) cable curtains
Dain Oh (detail) default slideshow
Dain Oh (detail)
Dain Oh (detail)
poster for the below by Brad Troemel
Animmaterialsurveyofourpeers.tumblr.com was a parallel exhibition in the same space which never took place. Above is Jordan Rhoat and Chris Collins.
EDIT: Dain just showed me, there are a bunch of nice remakes/addons/plugins for this by seecoy's youtube here and from Chris Collins here
by Kate Ruggeri (detail)
Kate Ruggeri (detail) cartoon water and cowgirl boots
Kate Ruggeri (detail)
by Mark Schettler
text for a poem ;)