normal projects is pleased to announce the first in a series of
quarterly two person exhibitions with work by Joe DeNardo and Aaron
Joe DeNardo with Kevin Doria performs as GROWING. With performances
at the New Museum, Swiss Institute, PS 1, and LACMA, DeNardo's context
to contemporary art has been in collaboration. Here DeNardo expands
with collage work derivative of endless landscapes and travel with
stacking of memory, location, and placement. These made environments,
precise and considered, touch on a duality of clean lines and situated
architecture against the forest, desert canyons or landscape beyond.
Aaron Henderson examines motion and performance in Motive (2008).
Filmed with University of Minnesota cheerleaders provides a historical
reference to the sport as Henderson pursues the relevance of gesture.
Motive flickers a linear shuffle; each of the eight cheerleaders
creating a static, a visual blur or noise, though no actual sound is
present in the piece. It features and capitulates the slight nuances
of each cheerleader in each movement. Their apparent need and want to
successfully align themselves, to be one, displays Henderson's notion
of social and political ramifications of actions.
normal projects exhibits work on paper and video by emerging and
established contemporary artists. This exhibition will be on view
from September 12th - October 25th, 2008. There will be an artists'
reception from 6-8p on September 12th. For more information, please
email Emily Schroeder at normalprojects@gmail.com or call 917
upcoming : nov 7 - dec 13 : hisham akira bharoocha / conrad ventur