Immersion into simulation seems to be the solution. The trick, if I can put it in such a drear sort of way, is to create a world which does not collapse under scrutiny.. or maybe to not scrutinize the world in general...
Functionality of words and forms seems to be taking hold of everything... I think that this, with religious texts excluded, was brought to the forefront of post-war culture by the dvent of computer programming. Actualy functionality was offered to ease suffering. Computers use a words to create architecture, limiting of possibilities through creating possibilities. Computer code can create something from nothing. All realities may exist at once in parallel... and it is not descriptive but normative... not only is it normative, but it is normative for each individual.
Massively Single-Player Online Role-Playing Game, SPORE by Will Wright
Massively Single-Player Non-line Role-Playing Game, by Félix González-Torres
I'm not actually sure how recursive SPORE is, because I haven't played it yet, but the term Wright created for it is impressive (
To stand up to the chaos (the world) by means of words and forms-
Nicolas BourriaudSome of us just keep on painting....
Caspar David Friedrich
Valery Grancher